
Saturday, 26 December 2015

Best food habits for your healthy future. .!

                      Best food habits for your healthy future

                Your health is depend on your food habits make sure you have a good food habits in your day to make your healthy day. .

   follow these instructions :-

1. Eat breakfast everyday :-

                                 Studies show that individuals who eat a substantial breakfast lose more weight than those who have a small breakfast. Choose eggs or baked beans on wholegrain bread, or muesli with fruit and yoghurt. 

2. Eat fruits and veg:-

                                 Aim for three cups of vegetables and two fruits each day. Fill half your plate with vegies at lunch and dinner, and add fruit to your breakfast and for a snack on the way home from work.

  . Walk daily atleat 30 min:-

                                  Walking is really nice work for clearing additional fats on your body.

  . Always carry a protein-rich snack with you:-

                                  This way you'll avoid eating high-fat food on the run. Great options to keep handy include nut- or protein-based snack bars, hard fruit such as an apple or a few wholegrain rice.
  . Have a green tea after meals:-

                               Green tea is high in antioxidants and can help increase metabolic rate.
  . Always carry a water bottle:-
                               Drink at least two bottles of water a day instead of juice, cordial or soft drinks.
. Choose wholegrain,bread and breakfast cereal:-
                                Aim for the best-quality breads, crackers and breakfast cereals, as these are foods we eat every day.
. Always eat carbohydrates and proteins together :-

                                 Try eggs on grain toast, yogurt and fruit, crackers and cheese and wholegrain bread with tuna or chicken.

                                                        Thank you and enjoy. .
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